Because of this, there are two directories for enemy images, one for front view battles (img/enemies) and one for side view battles (img/sv_enemies). (Note: RPGMaker MZ has the option to set the point of view for battles in either 'Front View' or 'Side View'. Click on the blank image to open up an alphabetized list of all the enemy. (You can also replace an existing enemy, if you wish)Ĭlick on a blank bar in the list of enemies to start creating a new enemy. Set the value to at least 6 for now so we can add one more enemy. To store more enemies, click on 'Change Maximum' to allocate more memory for enemies in your game.
RPGMaker has a maximum of 5 enemies already programmed by default. This will open your RPGMaker project's database, where you can establish many characteristics of the objects in your game.Ĭlick on the 'Enemies' tab to manage your game's enemies. On the main screen, click on the 'Database' button.
Now that we've imported our enemy into RPGMaker, it's time to make it something that your player can fight!